Thanks so much for stopping by! I’m Jessica, a wife, mama and teacher in Ontario, Canada. The idea for School of Smart Cookies was born while I was on maternity leave with our second daughter. In the quiet hours of the night, while up feeding and bouncing a squirmy baby, I would follow the journeys of many mama bloggers. Some documented beautiful wardrobe collections, others shared home decor ideas and a few even taught me how to take better photos of my kids. Each had a unique voice and vision, but were encouraging just the same. Most importantly, each was brave and bold enough to create a space for connection on this wild motherhood ride.

After a bit (ok, more like six months) of contemplation, I decided that I wanted to share in any little way that I could. I knew that the mom in me finds joy in making everyday moments feel special, while the teacher in me is always looking for fun and simple ways to sprinkle learning opportunities anywhere that I can.
School of Smart Cookies is a motherhood blog hoping to inspire sweet experiences for you and your smart cookies. We love celebrating holidays, taking on new experiences, reading books and spending time in the kitchen – even if it’s just for dance parties. Most of all, we want to share ideas that make learning feel fun!